Tri Color Shark (Bala Shark)
SKU: 913

Tri Color Shark (Bala Shark)

in stock In Stock Out of Stock Temporarily Out of Stock Discontinued Special Order
Price: $27.99

Product Details

Tri Color Shark  ( Balantiocheilus melanopterus )

Also called the Bala Shark

The Tri Color Shark is a popular fish because it colorful, active, and peaceful.  It can adapt to a wide variety of community tanks. It stays in the middle of the tank and does not hide. They are best kept in groups.
Its main drawback is that it will outgrow smaller tanks.  They are called sharks because they resemble them in body form, but they are not real sharks.

Grows to: 10"

Hobbyist Level:  A hardy fish suitable for beginners

How Many?   They are schooling fish are best in groups.   We recommend at least 3.

Housing: These fish are active middle water layer dwellers.  Give them plenty of swimming room  in the front of the tank.    They do not harm live plants so you can use live or plastic plants.   In an aquarium they are tolerant of standard aquarium conditions as long as the water is well filtered and partial water changes are conducted regularly.   (Temperature: 74-80)  (pH is 6.8-7.5)  They are jumpers, so keep the tank tightly
The Red Tail shark is known to jump so the aquarium should have a tight fitting cover.    Small sharks can be kept is a 30 gallon tank.  Adult sharks should have at least a 75 gallon.

Tankmates: They are active and peaceful community fish.  They will rarely harm smaller fish, but they can intimidate slow moving and shy fish.  Best tanksmates are other active fish of similar size. A partial list of tankmates may include gouramis, barbs, danios, rainbowfish, swordtails, clown loach, silver dollars,  kribensis cichlids, corydoras cats, plecostomus cats.   Adults can be kept in larger tank with larger fish such as Severum Cichlids, and Large Silver Dollars.

Feeding:  They will accept a variety of foods.  Feed flakes, small pellets, freeze-dried, frozen foods, and algae wafers.  In the store we feed
flakes, Tetra Color Bits,  and some algae-based flakes.  They are omnivorous.

Natural Habitat:  Southeast Asia.

Availability:  These fish are usually in-stock.
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